NP 80 - II

NP80-II Transmission
NP80-II bale

NP80-II is flexible, adaptable to various materials and customer needs.
Compacts paper and cardboard, plastic foil, crates etc, to a bale.
What distinguishes the 80 machine is that it is so easy to work with.
The huge opening makes the loading easy. The feed door helps with pushing in the last cartons.
After filling, close the feed door and the machine will automatically start compacting.
When the bale is ready for ejection, a lamp lights up.
The front door opens and with the built-in ejection the bale is removed.
The four bale strapping rolls are placed under the red top cover and can be replaced separately.
- High compaction pressure and generous feed opening on a minimum of floor space
- Convenient operating height
- Total height below 2 m
- Very reliable, proven long-lasting performance, even outdoors
- By a pallet truck the NP80-II is easily located/relocated where it´s needed the most.
Overall, the NP80-II is a flexible and sustainable solution for economy as well as environment!